What Class A is better? SUGDEN FPA-4 or PASS LABS XA-25

I`d like experiences of the gurus.


@snapoli2 Good for you.While I've never owned a INT-25, the lower wattage amp is nice too, and unless you like to turn it up loud, I'd prefer the lower watt integrated for regular listening levels most of the time anyhow. Yep, speaker pairing well, matters. I'm more of an all tube system kinda enthusiast any more, yet always enjoy reading about others who've been able to find a new path to enjoy solid state in a similar 3D way. That's really great!  

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Sugden gear always bothered me due to the lack of air and the slightly veiled sound they produce. A good friend of mine runs the Saphire pre & power combo with a pair of B&W 802Ds. Heard the A21 amplifier in different iterations as well. Never really liked their sound, for me it just sounds not natural. It’s like having the flaws of class A without the benefits…

Can you really go so wrong with either one?  I've owned several Sugden pieces, still have some.  I like the way they sound for my ear.  Period.  Very quick with immediacy that is difficult to match or beat.  Decent sound stage.  Voices sparkle. No rumbling bottom end.  But they are not the only game in town and 25wpc is just that, not enormous and if you need more well you need more.