Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000

Right now I have an ARC ref5se and its nice but looking for something of similar quality but warmer (maybe Vac, CJ or something you think will fit well). Looking for smooth sound, full mid range.


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I like my Beard P505 but they can be fussy (a non-feedback design, whatever that means), and good luck finding one, he stopped making them decades ago



I think you are right on track here with CJ and Shindo. If I had the space and money I would really like to build a system around Shindo… the descriptions have always been intriguing to me and in line with my desired aesthetic, but so far off from where I was, I could never go there. But from what you have said… on target for you.


Also, I have lived in Japan for a couple years. I really love Japan and the Japanese, their reverence for really fine craftsmanship, nuance and iterative improvement has got to have created the magic of Shindo… not for rock and roll… but for a completely zen wholistic recreation of music. I am jealous of your objectives… I really hope you go this route… but you will have to go speakers as well. If you do, I’d love to hear it.


@ghdprentice its just too bad all the shindo preamps have phono stage. I prefer pure line stages since I don't use vinyl.

I would also recommend Aric Audio. I have the Motherload 2. I love it, but thought “what would no preamp sound like?” I got a Benchmark and listened. The benchmark is very neutral and clean, but no more than Arics. I expected to at least hear a little further into the music, but Aric already had me there. Plus The Motherload is far more dynamic, just as transparent, and adds beautiful tube coloration.
 And Aric is great to work with! Cannot recommend him enough. I also have his super 88 se power amp. Which is every bit as good as my First Watt F8.