“Faithful to the recording”

I despise when reviewers use those words in describing a piece of equipment unless they were, quite literally, at the recording.  Once those words are used, I pretty much stop reading since IMO the reviewer is full of BS.

Your thoughts?

And what key word(s) or phrases cause you to stop reading?



And then there are these words from some audiophile junkie "Hearing what the artist(s) intended..."  😁



I dislike any terms which seem to be pointed at making the writer sound intelligent when a simpler and more traditional well established word works. This includes

tight bass and many other flowery terms used in descriptions of audio sound I reject tight bass because I am a drummer and have heard a real bass guitar and it is NOT tight

I hate it when reviewers state that a component lifted a veil from their system.  Fremer uses this term so often he should change his name to Salome

reviewers need to sell you their point of view, just like all others in the market for information...  some are better than others...