Is it worth upgrading my current turntable setup?

Hello all here is my current system

Pioneer PLX-1000 turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black cartridge

Tokyo Sound PE 100SE phono stage

Aric Audio Unlimited tube preamp

Odyssey Audio Khartago SE amplifier

Divine Acoustics Proxima 3 speakers

Do you think the turntable is holding back the rest of the system? Thanks for any advice! 



Is it worth upgrading my current turntable setup?

Elliot as much as I love vinyl I like to keep it simple. I won’t have a need for changing arms or cartridges. Something I could simply mount the 2M black to and forget would be ideal. Appreciate the suggestions.


I agree with the idea of upgrading the turntable & arm BEFORE the cartridge. However you may get curious enough to try another cartridge afterwards. Then there is the phono preamp which I am not familiar. Price wise, it matches your TT which is good and maybe good for the near future. It depends upon which TT / arm combo you get. IE, I had a very good sounding Phono pre (Wright 100P) which served me until I moved up the line to where it just wasn’t matching the quality of the rest of the system


A more solid plinth and platter will yield more solid bass and all fundamentals of any frequency will be more firmly begun, then overtones, time decay all synergistically work together in an improved way.

my friends LT-22 has been here competing with my 3 arm setup for over a week. I put my nearly new AT440ML cartridge on it with Microline Stylus. Sounds terrific.

It’s one of the easiest TT you could own, and use.

Adjusting the arm, mounting the cartridge is pretty easy, I could help you thru it.

No anti-skate needed. No two null points to align with.

Easy arm height adjustment

Easy balance, accurate tracking weight scale.

On, start, walk away, plays, returns, stops spinning.

Up, move arm manually, play any specific track with hands free scratch free no needle drop damage assurance.

Here’s a very nice LT-20


That cartridge will sound better on this TT IMO.

As @pindac says:

Make a few contacts to see if visits can be arranged to those in possession of devices you have shortlisted and make inroads to see if you able to be offered demonstrations of items.

Take along your newly cleaned LP’s and if there is something new to pick up on and a good impression is being made, usually the improvement on offer will be noticed instantaneously.

The ears are the very best tool for such investigations.

This method of gathering experiences does not require too much of an outlay either.


If it is good now, then you really don’t want to be risking wasting funds on something that is the same, or lower, performance.

I also run a 2M Black, and a couple years ago went from an old Technics 1200 to a JVC Victor TT-81 with a JVC Victor UA-7082 in the big JVC plinth. While the turntable and arm made a noticeable improvement, upgrading my phono preamp to an E.A.T. E-Glo Petit made an even bigger difference. I haven't heard your Tokyo Sound, but I'm guessing you could do considerably better.