180g … It’s All Hype !

I seem to have had an issue with just about every 180g record I’ve purchased… Either warped, surface scuffs or just plan ole doesn’t sound as good as the original.

I’ve noticed on re-masters / re-mixes many times it’s just somebody else’s idea of how the music should sound, adding in a few leads or something and certainly not what I expect or want. 

I actually have one I swear they just took the CD as the master and pressed it on to vinyl… Seriously I’ll stick to a decent cartridge, my ultrasonic record cleaner and the bargain bins for my vinyl purchases and listening. I’ve been able to build quite a substantial collection, granted the outer covers may show some wear, but being I’ve been in this for sometime I know by looking at a used record weather it will clean up or not and after cleaning I always replace the inner sleeves with static free high quality sleeves. As for the outer covers… I buy records to listen to so as long as the cover is in tact I’m ok with that. 

I’d rather see ‘em re-release stuff if they do on un doctored up original weight vinyl with the same quality control they had back in the day… 

Heck, stuff in the dollar bins, after having been played over and over through many a folks’ adolescence then stored for years in basements and attics, then sold at garage sales, flea markets or ending up in bargain bins seem to have made the journey just fine… 

I’m tried of the hype and seriously, 180g is nothing but marketing BS to part you with your money.

Need proof of how good older records from the back in the day can sound?….. Check out any of these….

WAR - The World Is A Ghetto

King Curtis & Champion Dupree - Blues At Montreux

John Mayall - Blues Jazz Fusion

Led Zeppelin- Led Zep II

Any LP from James Cotton 

Any LP from The Alan Parsons Project

Any LP from Steely Dan

Any LP The Yellowjackets 

Most LP’s from Savoy Brown

Most LP’s on The Blue Note Label

just to name a few…

I’ve got of tons of ‘em and if you have any Artists or specific Titles you’d like to suggest feel free to respond


Yeah @lewn, Classic Records---though starting out strong---ended up wimpering across the finish line, their last few years marred by bad pressings. Owner Michael Hobson blames that partially on the move to  200g discs. 200g? Why?!

Good news: Chad Kassem has announced Analogue Productions will be issuing the Prestige catalog on LP, starting I believe this year. Cool, the Prestige titles I have are great, but finding clean copies is not easy (or cheap!).

Get an audiodeske record cleaner. They all sound great after a cleaning in this machine. On the topic, yes I’ve had 180g duds…more that you should expect. I’ve also got used old vinyl that has been amazing. Either hit or miss. Analog Productions along with MOFI are excellent..

+1 Analog Productions


+1 Good Record Cleaner (especially ultrasonic!)

+1 Original Pressings (usually)

Keep buying vinyl while you can because in the future the distopian AI's will demand that..."You will own nothing and be Happy"

Although I don't have all ~5 of the Miles Davis Quintet LPs, I do own at least 3 of them on Prestige.  Not sure I would spend the bucks again for yet more re-issues of them.  Not all 5 of the Classic re-issue are terrible, just one or two in particular.

dinov, These are not problems that could be resolved by a RCM, unless your RCM doubles as a cutter lathe. We are talking about brand new LPs out of the box and about gross distortions cut into the vinyl itself.

There are some labels that are to be avoided at all cost.

There are some that are safe bets - many listed above. Buy from them, and you will likely not be disappointed.

if it’s a record I really love, I keep buying the same used recording over and over until I get one that sounds amazing. The others are  given away or sold.

There are no guarantees that any record will sound great, unless you buy from Better Records. 

But to say that 180g is all hype, is beyond inaccurate. Some labels, yeah, it’s bs marketing. Poor quality vinyl, poor pressing and poor sources. 

Analogue Productions, Speakers Corner, MoFi, Music Matters, Classic Records, the new Verve releases, Tone Poet etc, all sound amazing.

There is a tendency to romanticize records of old… In some cases, they are fantastic. But the bulk of them are no where near as good as “proper” reissues.

And yeah, they are not cheap. But then look at Better Records prices…