Connecting Amp to speakers

The humble banana plug, has not changed in its basic design since it’s invention, which I believe to be around 1929, many adaptations, but all following the basic design, so am I right in assuming this is the most efficient way to connect all these high end speakers and amps, which are discussed in these columns in great detail with their  perceived audio attributes, along with speaker cable costing mega bucks, and all connected, I am assuming, to each other by a banana plug. Maybe the top flight kit has an alternative connecting system??


Hey, well there is the alternative Speakon connector from Neutrik which has seen some adoption in the consumer world.

I will say that I think a good banana with a tight fit is better than spades. I've never had a banana plug just come loose one random day, but this has happened to me with plenty of spade connections due to excessively hard speaker terminals and spades with no spring action to keep it together.

I am lazy so I do like the ease of banana jacks.  Here is an audiophile test question:

Speakers frequently boast of having 5-way binding posts.  What are the five ways that speaker wire can be connected to such posts?

What are the five ways that speaker wire can be connected to such posts?

Bare wire

Banana plug



the wrong way