List some of the worst-sounding CDs you've heard, lately

BGO's re- release of Leo Kotke's "My Feet Are Smiling" arrived today. 

"Cardboard- like" is how I'd describe its muffled sonics. I didn't even make it through the first song; no amount of tweaking of the Schiit Lokius helped. 

I own two other BGO Kotke cds and while they'll never win any awards, they are  definitely listenable. Not this! 



Joe Jackson Look Sharp before remastering. Wow. So bad. As in, "Is that a piano?" bad.



Im not disputing that some cd's will sound less good regardless, but, better kit makes a huge improvement

Not in that cd I mentioned above.  No sir, that CD was beyond redeeming. The better the system, the worst it sounded. I kid you not.