Why do folks spend more on electronics than on speakers?

Hello, just curious on this subject. I have seen threads where folks ask for advice on how to allocate their budget and this topic comes up. I also see systems posted on various forums where folks have $10K-$20K in gear driving $2K-$5K in speakers and wonder why. I have traditionally been a speakers first person as that is where I have noticed the greatest differences. For those that allocate more on gear vs speakers what are your reasons? No judgement, I am just interested in hearing another point of view.


I see a lot of my amp cost this and my speakers are this much.... it doesn't really matter what something costs. It can still be crap.    Or it can be an unbelievable value for the money.   I'd like to think my system is a sum of the latter.   

Once you get to a certain level in speakers, it will take a LOT to "max them out" with the backing gear. Say you’ve found a high-end speaker with a voicing and aesthetic you love, you can live with its trade-offs, and it’s the right size for your chosen domicile. "Upgrading" from this could be a nightmare, because it can change EVERYTHING you’ve been building synergy towards, and there’s no guarantee the new speaker will be a good fit for your room. It’s not like dropping in a preamp - you’ll have to position, reposition, and re-reposition the boxes and seating. It could well set your system into a tailspin that takes lots of time (and money) before settling again. And don’t forget about burn-in. If you have to swap out or return speakers, shipping is an order magnitude more hassle than with electronics components.

That’s why some of us choose to keep the speakers we’re happy with and pump more money into the upstream.

That said, your post specifically cited $2K - 5K speakers, and honestly - no, I could probably not stay put & happy with that. 

Why do some spend more on electronics and speakers than on their ROOM ACOUSTIC?

I dont speak of money only here , i speak more of tuning TIME....

The same people spend more money on upgrades than time in tuning their room...

For sure all people dont have a dedicated room, but this will not change the truth : acoustic matter more...

Focus on electronic is the reflection of consumerism market conditioning... Reviewer need to sell you something... Acoustic will teach you something...

We dont listen to a piece of gear alone but to a system +room...

It is acoustic and psycho-acoustic which will explain to you what is a SOUND and how to control it in a room...

Not the owner manual of your dac, speakers or amplifier...

Why idolizing gear price and ignore the essential : acoustic...

My 500 bucks system is a proof of what science claim: acoustic explain sound not electronic...

The Egyptian and the Greek learned how to control sound in a room before the invention of the gramophone... Even before Helmholtz...


I know for sure that this truth about acoustic can be an inconvenient one ..... Especially for those who has spend big money....And for those who like with passion  with good reason for sure their excellent gear...

Even for them acoustic matter more...


Bought my current speakers in mint cond. back in 2005 for $2500. I don't know what the list on them was back then. The new version lists at $7500 per pair.

At that time I had a Jolida tube integrated and Jolida tube cdp. Liked the sound.

Upgraded to Wells Majestic integrated, kept the speakers. Liked the sound even better.

Upgraded from Jolida CDP to Moon transport feeding Aqua La Voce S2 DAC. Kept the speakers. Again, nice improvement! 

Upgraded from $3500 Wells Majestic integrated to $6000 Hegel H390. Kept the speakers. Massive improvement!  It was at this point that it became clear that I'd never really heard what my speakers were capable of!

This week: upgraded Moon Transport to Jay's Audio transport. Too early to report definitively but at the onset, resolution, PRaT and bass control are all noticeably improved. We'll see what happens with burn in but I still  have no reason to sell my speakers! 

I'm simply reporting my experience, here. YMMV.

but if I had not built my own speakers my spend would be around 1/3rd in room acoustics, electronics and speakers.

If I take into account, the stands for my stand mounts and sub (speakers I also built), I’m probably close to the same as @erik_squires says about his system spend.
In my case though I would also bundle in the furniture I’m building in with the room acoustics budget (which I have so far built).