The magic of outdoor listening

I tend to keep one system I can pull outdoors when I am in the mood the freedom from room colorations is an amazing thing. Being outside listening to a great system playing wonderful music is magic. I have a bike race by my home and if the weather is nice many times I'm out jamming I have had large groups of cyclists stop 50 yards from my home to enjoy my music. Last year I has using a giant pair of RCA front horns with a full range in it this year going with a community leviathan system with radial. I pull out a tube amp when I jam outside. When I retire I plan on putting out a permanent outdoor horn system so it is ready to go when I am. Sitting still seated centered in a room all alone is enjoyable at times but also kind of tragic I am happy I have options. Maybe consider the outdoors as one of your listening spaces.


I don't have to drag it outside - just need to open the balcony doors.
One day last summer I got home early in the afternoon.
Put a glorious Bach LP on the turntable and turned it up louder then I have ever played it, threw the doors open to water plants.
By the time the side ended there was a knock on my door from the president of the Condo board telling me I need to lower it. I apologized and she stated that I didn't need to apologize to her but that she received calls from 3 different buildings and someone who lives 4 floors above me.
I found it embarrassing and a bit humiliating. After some thought I came to the same conclusion as noromance above. ...urban environment

Get a Sony Walkman to store your digital tunes....use the top Grado in ear phones and take it anywhere with really high end sound

I’m fortunate not to have neighbors. I can’t imagine being on the receiving end of some of the crap that I play.

I have a garage, with a complete sound system that is on wheels, that l wheel out on most  sunny California days, and some nights, and l can blast full wattage to the surrounding vineyards and orchards surrounding  our property.  The garages are each at 90 degree angles, so it creates a semi amphitheater , that exudes beautiful  Melodie's to the birds, and neighbors 250 yards away. It sounds soooo good , l wish l could invite dancers, to enliven the night!!!