In a quandry wrapped in an enigma

I haven't a clue as to what to do anymore.
My situation is thus:
I have had many systems throughout my life the likes of Magnepan (4 different ones including my current 1.6's), genesis apm1's,ML requests,Soundlab,B&W's,Vandersteens... along with various electronics like Mark Levinson, Rogue Audio, YBA, Classe...
I'm trying to paint the picture of the type of sound I prefer, large soundstage with slam and transparency)
In the last few years I have found that my enjoyment of music has declined significantly due to tinnitus (over 80 db sometimes@5500 or so)and a high frequency loss that's very prevalent and my focus is no longer on detail or transparancy as much as a warm seductive midrange but yet still have the ability to be bombastic when called for.
Right now I have an all maggie surround system w/sunfire jr sub and the nad t-765 receiver and it just aint cuttin the mustard anymore. So I am selling everything and building a 2 channel system with the proceeds (about 3k i'm thinking.

Now finally to the crux of my biscuit. I haven't a clue to what synergy will give me the lush, warm,soul wrenching emotional sound I so desire while still supplying slam and that huge sound stage I have grown so accustomed to. I think HF extension or hyper detail is a moot point for me anymore. Anyone suggesting bose will be shot on the spot!!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Zu Audio is having a closeout sale and pair it with a small tube integrated. Your choice on the other stuff ie. digital or analog, but that will give you nice sound and should be both of what you are looking for.
I have considered Zu or Tekton with something like a Golden Tube se-40 or some other affordable int tube amp. On the flip side i wonder how well a Sonus Faber (concerto probably) or totem with a class "A" Amp would fit into my overall scheme. I am open to any suggestions that run along that line. I have decided to get an Oppo as my source (why pay more if you can't hear the difference?)
Once again thank you so much for your input!!!
I heard totems are picky about placement, and need lots power. The sales people that I talked to weren't that impressed with them and didn't think I should really consider them even though I wanted to like the totems. I wonder why they carry them if that's how they feel and who do they sell them to? Only people they don't like? Seems fishy to me.
I auditioned different totems and the floorstanders are very picky regarding room placement. I liked their sound in the showroom but I couldn't get them to work in my room.
As for power, they like high current amps.