2.5 Tower vs 2 Way Tower vs 2 Way Monitor

I want to upgrade my Dali Ikon 5 MK2 speakers with another set of small tower speakers.  I’ve had these speakers for 7 years and I want to experiment with some other speakers.  I would prefer to buy used speakers, but I would purchase new speakers if I found something that really appeals to me.  I need to find speakers that are less than 37 inches tall to fit with the décor in my living room.  I’ve been listening to and looking at some other similar 2 ½ way speakers from Monitor Audio, Dynaudio and some other companies.  I have also discovered some small 2 way tower speakers from Totem and Proac that are posted in various internet forums.

I live a large metropolitan area where there a several high end stereo stores within 60 miles.  None of them have any 2 way tower speakers to listen to.  Since two way tower speakers have very similar types of driver/crossover setups as monitor speakers, I am wondering what the differences in sound would be between 2 way tower speakers and similar 2 way monitor speakers on stands.  Would I just as well off getting some good monitor speakers and stands?  There certainly would be a lot more choices.  Your opinions would be appreciated.

FYI,  My setup is pretty simple.  It consists of Roon, a Matrix Audio streamer/DAC, and a Rotel 1570 integrated amplifier.  My room is pretty big, 21 ft wide by 24 feet deep with a cathedral ceiling.


Midrange crunch is my description of rock or blues guitar sounds that have gritty crunchy sound that vibrates so much that I can almost feel it.  I am familiar with that sound from spending time in blues bars.  I get that somewhat in my current system but I want more.   That's one of the reasons why I'm considering different speakers.  I will know the sound when I hear it.

Klipsch Heresy IV - especially for rock/blues guitar.

I know exactly what you mean by "crunch" and my Klipsch Cornwalls deliver that like no other speakers I've heard.  For you...the Cornwall is too big and too expensive, but the Heresy - very close cousin of the Cornwall - is perfect.  They fit your budget, and they'll give you exactly what you want sound-wise.  But you’ll probably want a sub too...  

Before you buy something else, you really should at least give the Heresies a listen.