Should I turn my CD player off when I am finished for the day

I read here to remove a cd once finished playing as the laser is still on if a disc is still there. My cd payer says no disc when I am done. Does that mean the laser is still on, in which case should I power off to save the laser?

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I have had my Nakamichi 5 disc on for 20+ years.
(Well, I moved it a few times, and we have power outages.)


The good part about it is that when I do start it up it is a crap shoot whether it will be Bad Religion, Doug McLeod, Immortal Technique, Simon and Garfunkel, or Bach.
Sometime it has a different CD in it, which is a shocker.

I think the question the here is whether the laser is still reading the non playing disc, and if that will therefore decrease the laser life.  This is a non trivial issue.  Lasers can be replaced but it isn’t easy.  Many threads here are about replacing lasers note difficulties due to discontinuation of player models, smaller companies no longer in Buisness, having to ship to Japan for repairs, etc.

  I always assumed that when the disc stops playing, the laser stops reading.  I really have no idea and now I will be more compulsive about turning off the player

If by “No Disc”, you’re saying you might have a Jays Transport, I posed this same question to Alvin at Jays.  He said, “Take the CD out, close the cover, but leave the transport on”.

turn the frigging thing off.

system on, diddle with something else for 20 minutes, good to go.