The New Western Electric WE91E 300B Integrated amp ?

Has anyone heard this amp yet ? This 300B amp has over 20 watts per channel ! and cost $13,500 !


I dunno about the amp, but those WE 300B tubes made in Georgia sure are good!!!

Actually the way SET amps distort is precisely why you should be somewhat interested in distortion numbers. After hours of comparing OTLs, push pull, single ended and parallel single ended you start to understand exactly why SETs seem to sound so good when they are in fact clipping. Much of the warmth and bass you hear is soft clipping and it is not offensive but it is there. Having said this I still prefer aspects of the single ended sound to many P.P. or ultra-linear designs. 


If you get the opportunity to hear this Western Electric 300b SET I hope you post your listening impressions. Given the extensive exposure you have with the genre of lower power tube amplifiers (SET and push pull) I’m curious as to how you size it up. 

Interesting (Ironic?) This venerable brand has chosen transistor rectification rather than tube. I'd love to know the deciding rationale. 


I have a high end 300b headphone system which I installed Takasuki 300b tubes (see my user ID). It sounds incredible. I tried a couple of other brands of 300B. Each on the basis of sonic reviews was worth the value based on reviews. No attention payed to distortion or any other measured value.