hana sl or one of the AT-ART9?

i read that the  original ART9 was DISCONTINUED.
there are two other options.

AT-ART9XI with Output Voltage 0.5 mV (1 kHz, 5 cm/sec.)
and AT-ART9XA with 0.2 mV (1 kHz, 5 cm/sec.)
the lower output is a bit worry me.
any insights from members that tried both?
or there is still a way to get the ART9


I have both the Hana ML and the AT ART-9, on top of a Benz Reference S in my system. The Hana ML is the cartridge that I play the least with, I’m just keeping as a spare for when I will need to retip my other cartridges.

If the Hana ML can’t come close to the performance of a first gen AT ART-9, which in itself is far from the performance of a Benz Ref S, the Hana SL can’t come even remotely close to the level of the new AT ART-9 IMHO…

You will do just fine with the ART-9XI.  I personally think it is the better of the pair with a better stylus and higher compliance. It is a much better cartridge than the Hana ML. 

@stone1 I have Modwright SWP9.0SE, 68db gain. I've not heard any of these cartridges, my choice would be based solely on reviews of all.

You may consider Zyx Ultimate 100 H, nearly same pricing as AT ART9Xi but with slightly higher output. More neutral, warmer and faster.

Hanas are fine both ML and Tunami but above that cames the Etsuro Urushi which is amazing.

Presumably smaller signal strength = smaller moving parts = more delicate control/refinement of movement/signal, presumably 0.2mv a speck 'better'.


Watch your 'resultant' impedance as well as your signal strength.

IF your SUT does not have individual adjustable settings (most do not),

the gain in db (X factor) will control the 'resultant' impedance shown to the phono stage. 

the formula for recommended 'resultant' impedance (after gain by SUT)

formula = coil impedance x 10. a bit less than or more than, just use it as a guide.

both mentioned cartridges are 12 ohms

guidance: 12 ohms x 10 = 120 ohms 'resultant impedance' guidance

find an X factor (calculate XF squared) that will result in the recommended impedance 'shown by your SUT'  to the phono stage which is typically 47k ohms (confirm yours).

47,000 divided by X factor squared = 'resultant' impedance 

then, see what signal strength will result from that x factor, enough? too much, overload?

i.e. one of my SUT's four X Factor options: 10 ohm input is x factor 20.68 (+26db) (x factor squared is 428). phono stage 47,000 divided by 428 = resultant impedance 110 ohms. just under guidance

it's 30 ohm input is X Factor 18.27 (+25db) (x factor squared is 333) phono stage 47,000 divided by 333 is 141 ohms, just over guidance

now check your signal strength using the X factors that get you close to the guidance of 120 ohms

stronger cartridge 0.5mv x X factor 20.68 = 10.34 mv. allow some loss, say 9.5 mv, 110 ohms.

0.5 x X factor 18.27 = 9.14, allow some loss, say 8.5 mv., 141 ohms. I would use that setting.

lower 0.2mv signal,

0.2 x x factor 20.68 = 4.14, allow some loss, say 4.0 mv, 110 ohms

0.2 x X factor 18,27 = 3.65 allow some loss around 3.5 mv, 141 ohms.

My SUT, I would chose the 0.5mv version.

You probable should consider a SUT with individual adjustments for gain and impedance.