Life of KT 150 Tubes

Auris audio Mono Block -Forte 150 uses Two KT150 for power output for each monos, Very strangely a both amps popped the KT 150 same time. I can vouch it had less than 1000 hours in 2 years as I have NAIM NAC 252/NAP 300 in the same room. I tested the tubes and one is 100% dead and the rest have very marginal life. With great difficulty I have ordered four new tubes. Would any of you know why this would have happened, in the sense bath amps not working at the same time? I am trying to get hold of Auris in Serbia. Even a good Valve tech will not open the unit without schematics and Auris wouldn’t provide one. I am in Canada. There are 2 authorized service center in the US. When crated both amp weighs 94 Kgs.Not easy to ship. I tried with a borrowed set of TUBES , there is no Biasing at all,mA reads 0, but there is signal coming in and VU display lights up. 

Lesson learnt well not to buy equipment that is hard to service. I bought this even before there was a dealer in canada. I tried contacting the distributor Motet in Toronto. They are telling me to contact Dealer in Edmonton 300Km away. He never sold me the unit, why would he have any interest if he didn’t make any money on this unit? The unit cost $16,800 USD. Any advise what I should do?


The Amplitrex is so easy to use and it does not require much time at all to use.  It has a warm up cycle that is timed for the particular tube being tested so that the tube would be measured when reasonably warmed up.  I would not want a tesster to be "fast" if that means measuring before the tube has been warmed up.


@boomerbillon - where do you draw the line for 'Driving the amp Hard'.  I am following the instruction as per manual and the engineer to specifically have the mU between 55-60, driving 8 ohms focal Sopra 3 speaker. My volume is never past 25-30% on my pre amp Audio Valve Eclipse. Your advise is appreciated.  I will try 6550 and experience the difference.


A local dealer that exclusive deals in tube equipment often sees repeated early tube failure and the kind of failure described here where there is also damage to the amp from the same customers while other customers running the same model of amp do not have such problems.  Most often it is from excessive voltage coming into the customer's home.  He has equipped those customers with voltage regulation to drop the voltage to some more reasonable level.

+1 @larryi agree, and most don't even realize they've had a voltage spike occur until one of the components isn't working and start troubleshooting backwards from there.  

@audition__audio If you check the specs of the Amplitrex it states it can supply 500 volts on the line.Like I said, it is the only tester I know of that can actually test the KT150's.