Yamaha A-S2100 vs Technics SU-G700

Hello Everyone,
Looking to see if anyone has A/B these two units. I am looking for an int amp to pair with Dynaudio C20 speakers. For now I have the bluesound node2 streamer which I will replace with something much better later. But for now I need to know how these two sonically compare. I do realize that yamaha is class a/b design and technics is class D. Thoughts would be much appreciated yet and please do not recommend a 3rd int amp :-). I prefer open airy (not thing n bright sound) decent mid and tighter bass. 

Yamaha as2100 ~ $3,499
Technics SU G700 (built in dac) ~ $2,500


@mervo , Thanks for posting your findings and opinion. It’s just whetted my appetite and making all the more eager to get the SU-G700M2 when it finally hits our shores.

Occasionally I check in with Musicdirect to annoy them on when it’s coming and to make sure I’m on the waiting list. Apparently, I’m not the only one as I was told that I am and so are many others and that the first shipment is already spoken for.

Depending on how good you computer set up is, here’s a Youtube video of it on a Japanese review site. Unless you are fluent in Japanese (I'm not so I'm assuming what the set up is in the video), just cue up to the 11:16 mark and take a listen. The first two sample are with LACP off and then used. Then fast forward to the same set up but using only the preamp section of the Technics and a Triode Musashi amp section. They sound eerily similar:


All the best,

Yamaha AS-XXXX....a dream that never came true. But I can tell you the story of Yamaha R-N803D vs Technics SU-G700M2.

In 2019 I upgraded from Yamaha R-N602 but the difference was marginal, i noted some subtle bass better response for my Monitor Audio Gold 100 G4.

This year I found a disdained SU-G700M2 unit, his owner was disappointed with the brightness of his B&W 802 D3 ( 25k euro pair) with this amp and I got the amp.

R-N803D is a consumer receiver and for sure AS series is far better, unfortunately I never had one, but the difference between SU-G700M2 and the former is pronounced and notable. 

When I first plugged the SU-G700M2 I was immediately able to feel differences in bass response, dynamics and clarity but the moment I returned to R-N803D I heard all that is missing. Don't get me wrong, I had wonderful moments with Yamaha but .... "Grand Master Class" is another class. It was like a veil was removed from the music and everything was better defined.

900 euro vs 2500... Is this worth it? ... Long term yes :)

@bizdi , good for you! I hope you got a sweet deal on the Technics from the clueless former owner.  I got my SU-G700M2 last week and it's a keeper and it keeps getting better the more I listen to it. Not the least bit bright.

All the best,

Just heard the Technics SU-G700MK2 with B & W 703 S2s and I have to say I don't hear a discernible difference between it and the SU-G700. I think the improved power supply and the MC phono stage are nice accoutremonts, but I see no reason to upgrade at the moment. I appalud Technics for being evolutionary and not radically change a 21st Century winning design.