Installing dedicated 10 gauge lines

Everyone keeps saying how important it is to have a dedicated 10 gauge line from your breaker box to your amp (I have a Diablo 300), and a second one to your source components (primarily an InnuOS Zenith Mk 3 streamer/Roon core).

I would love to do this, but isn’t this a major expense, like $15k or more? Does all the drywall back to the breaker box need to be ripped out to install the new lines?

Sorry if these are dumb questions. If the answer to the above is yes and yes, this project definitely won’t get past my wife!

As an aside, on the same 15A circuit, I have my amp, streamer, a Mac Mini that is normally on, my TV, video game consoles, and a network switch. So, obviously not ideal but out of all of these the only things that are on while I’m listening to music, beyond my amp and streamer, are the Max Mini and the network switch which supplies network connections to my tv and game consoles.

Hoping installing the dedicated line installation somehow doesn’t require drywall ripping and replacement?








Thanks for the advice All. Unfortunately there is no crawlspace, between my room and the ground floor,  and no attic as there are vaulted ceilings with spray foam insulation. There is no access from the ground floor as it is completely finished…

Thanks Erik for the tips especially regarding 240V. I would not have thought of that.


Electricians are good at fishing wires into walls, either from in the crawl space, if you have one, or your attic. Or surface mounted conduit on an exterior wall, there are a lot of possibilities. Removing drywall from the panel to your new dedicated outlets would be about the poorest option, unless the two are in adjacent rooms. Ask around where you live, get a name or two of a good electrician. For electrical advice, ignore 90% of what’s posted here at Audiogon. A few folks will burn your house down, others will only electrocute you, lol.

nyev, do I understand that your audio room is on a 2nd floor? If so, is the wall you want the new outlets in an interior wall?

Post removed 

Unfortunately there is no crawlspace, between my room and the ground floor,  and no attic as there are vaulted ceilings with spray foam insulation.

FWIW my system is also in a room with cathedral ceiling. Yet I still have an attic in which I can run wires to 3 walls of that room.  I can even get it into the 4th wall, at least on each end with a minimum of Sheetrock work. So all is not lost, IMO. As @builder3  has said, the electricians have more experience than I do in pulling wires. And after seeing the job, they may be able to do this somewhat easy. We are working blind here so I don't know without seeing a print. Get an electrician who has remodeling experience to take a look.