Saying that it is better to have especially with orchestra the better possible S.Q. is only a common place fact no one in his sound mind could ever oppose... 😁😊 It goes almost without saying for me...
But i cannot throw the 9th symphony of Bruckner by Furtwangler and listen ONLY Celibidache for example or Giulini because the sound is better... Why?
Because in music the goal is not only esthetical perfect pleasure, not at all, music also reflect consciousness in history and the goal is increasing our counscious link with the intention of the composer, all good interpretations and only that can make us more enlightened about the intention of a composer...
And sometimes in some cases in spite of bad recording process some interpret embodied perfection...That was my point...
The most stunning experience in music come when we FORGOT the sound....Especially if we love beautiful sounds in beautiful recordings...
And i will repeat that i am most interested by acoustic and good sound than most here if we judge this interest by the amount of time invested in the effort to create acoustic of room...
Music gestures or interpretations must be interiorized , music is not sound but through sound ....And sound is not always "music" even beautiful sounds...
«Silence is never badly interpreted but can be badly recorded »-Groucho Marx 🤓
«Because here the "musician" is the sound engineer, it is the reverse Grouch»-Harpo Marx
«Right, silence need a listener interpretation»-Chico Marx
«The circonstance of an interpretation speak volume: take the silence of Christ on the cross or Lao Tze silence going west»-Gummo Marx
«I prefer the silence of the maestro anyway at the end »-Zeppo Marx