Roon/Bluesound Node - adding new DAC (non Roon-Ready)

Hi guys, 

I'm currently at the start of the 14 day trial of Roon; Roon is running on my PC in a wired network, using my Node as endpoint, with the remote app on my android tablet. 

All good at the moment, I'm enjoying using it, but in the next couple of days I'll be taking delivery of a new DAC;  it isnt a mainstream DAC, it's a built to order unit from a tiny, 2 man company here in the UK. I don't think they even ship their units outside of the UK, so I doubt they Roon-Ready.

I will be slotting in  the new DAC via SPDIF/Coax to my Node; my question is, how will the new DAC fit in to the processing stream if not recognised by Roon?

I'm obviously new to Roon so please forgive my ignorance. I've tried looking online, but I'm still not clear how the system will work after adding the new DAC, or if it will work at all? 

For reference, the DAC is from a company called NJC Audio, and is the NJC Reference DAC. It has no software/drivers, and is plug and play. 

Thanks for reading


@oldrooney I can definitely relate to that; old dog, new tricks 😁

I've read that re; Auralic recommending wifi over wired; I gave a difficult time getting my head around this, as I like the solidity and tangible connection ethernet gives. But again, that's probably my old school mindset 😁

re: wired vs. wireless.

Depends on what problem you're trying to solve. Many home systems use a combination of wired and wireless. 

Lately I typically play music upsampled to DSD 512.  HQ Player performs the upsampling on the same music server that hosts Roon Core (a sonicTransporter i9).  My Network Audio Adaptor (a little ultraRendu box, which sits between the server and my DAC/preamp) requires an ethernet feed (with USB out).  However, I do have a fast wireless backhaul between my Orbi cable modem and the satellite/router attached to the hifi rig, and also use WiFi between my usual Roon controller (a laptop) and the endpoint.

No noise problems (none that I notice anyway). 

FWIW, my Sonore UltraRendu feeds a USB to S/PDIF converter, which feeds, via RCA digital cable, my older DAC, which I am not ready to replace yet.  Interestingly, Roon shows the USB to S/PDIF converter as the source, since it's the last source in the chain using USB, and therefore the last component in the chain with two-way communication.