problems with 24 bit cd players

i am searching for a cd player--preferably one with tubes.

i have auditioned a number of them and something is wrong. i perceive a dip in the 100 to 200hz region and a slight peak in the upper mids/lower treble region.

is it possible that one can buy a current production player which is 20 bit and no up sampling ?

i haven't found any, nor am i looking for a dac, although i am aware that there exists non-upsampling dacs.
hi tvad:

i prefer not to purchase a separate dac and transport.

are the non over sampling dacs tube based and 20 bit ? i already listened to an ack! dac and scott nixon tube dac. i was not impressed with either.

i suppose if i heard a dac/transport combination that was sufficiently pleasantly euphonic i might reconsider my aversion to a dac.
YBA claimed for a long time that 24-bit was detrimental to musicality and their CDP were dual 18-bit only, against the marketing hype. They moved to 24-bit now but if you hear dips and what to move away from 24-bits, get a used YBA CD1 or 2 or 3 Alpha and enjoy the bitless effort!
So what is your aversion to a DAC?

You are misguided to be hung up on an output tube. The digital to analog portion has to be solid state. You can add a tube to the output for bufferring and/or to add some gain and/or to distort the signal in some way to make it more "tubey," but you certainly don't need a tube to have a fine sounding player or DAC.

And why are you hung up on 20 bits. By definition it can't be anything other than 16 bits and be NonOS. All NonOS players/DACS are 16 bit. Wavelength, Altmann, Scott Nixon, Paradesia, etc. are all 16 bit.
Mr. Tennis - knowing you don't have a preference for a DAC, I'll still throw one out there. The Monarchy M24 uses a 20-bit DAC chip (for Redbook). You might want to look at the review Lynn Olson did in Positive Feedback (see link below) or for a more technical discussion of non-os DAC chips and why Lynn feels the M24 20-bit technology is superior, the other link will take you to that article. I own a couple non-os DACs and like them very much, but upon hearing the M24, which I now own, I was very impressed. It also features a tube output stage (not a buffer) and can double as a preamp (which can be bypassed if you only want to use it as a DAC). I put in some Siemens NOS tubes and the DAC really sings.

BTW - if I recall you're in SoCal. If you want to audition an M24 I'd be happy to let you hear mine in your system.