Tubes becoming hard to get?

An article in today’s WSJ talks about tubes for both guitar amps and stereo gear becoming scarce due to Far East and Ukraine/Russian tensions saying most tubes originate from China, Slovakia, & Russia.  As such, people are beginning to Hoard and retailers are beginning to limit purchases. 




All the best to you and your family. And much love and respect to those fighting this war. I'm very close to a family from Ukraine, such wonderful people.



Respect to all of your family participating in supporting the Ukraine! My heart goes out to the civilians and the brave soldiers fighting for their country. I have contributed to the humanitarian efforts, although I wish I could fund a antitank missile, this is such a horrible act. I am so disappointed that once again Europe is plunged into war.


Ok, tubes. This is supply and demand. If a distributor like Upscale does not raise prices, then folks that actually do not need them will buy them expecting to sell them at a profit and Upscale will not have any to sell to their customers. Simple. Long term, if Russia continues on its current course then Tube manufactures will move to the US or elsewhere to fill the demand. My understanding is that the manufacturer of KT120… etc is an American company… they will move it home.

I haven't had any problems.  Still using original tubes.  They are run very conservatively by design.  I don't expect to change tubes before I die.  So it's not an issue.

I ordered some tubes from Ukraine. A lot actually. I might never get them. They seem to be stuck in Kiiv. I don't care. If someone there, who was into audio, can now get his family closer to the border, that is good enough for me. If I get the tubes, even better, but I'm not holding my breath.

Why not take a chance? I already miss the world the way it was.


If i understand, Western Electric Co create in web page a survey to what type the popular tubes audiophile needs and they will study an options to made tubes in USA and the prices but it will see soon.