@rixthetrick Yes, it was when Krissy tried to talk Chris (nano-flo) out of trying to sell a cheap generic mass produced power cord...
My entrance into audio was to provide the best audio quality under a series of agreements, the first stipulation was absolute secrecy, especially of my involvement and critically of keeping trade secrets. Mr Carbon demanding to take over my business was the final straw in a series of breaches, which is when I pulled the enhancer. Breaches started when Tom called me. Tom is an old customer of QuantumCoat however the "distributor" told him I was behind this new product, and my phone number was pulled last year when I took a different path.
All samples were provided to Audiogon members for free, by me. All product was provided with zero upfront fees on a 50/50 basis (what a horribly greedy thing to do), and according to my records that split was not enough for someone. Thats really all I can say about it, however the product itself has been reviewed and accepted by those that either purchased it or got a free test sample. There is a question of how the gel pulls zero ohms but enhances electrical flow like a room temperature superconductor as others (not me) have said, but this is also a new product. The technology not only increases audio quality, it performs unexpectedly well applied to the insulated surfaces and I have no idea why, however lab time may reveal the "what's happening" but not why right now.
Sorry if I kill business for the cable and fuse guys, but I'll use my own inventions in everything I produce, and I give guarantees - do they? Attack to defend...