Thanks @jerryg123 that helps understand more.Similar findings excluding 170s. I've owned and listened to a few amps running KT150s with smaller transformers and lower plate voltage, and they did not sound very good to me. KT88s were nicer in amps designed for the smaller and lower power tubes.
While my amps were designed for KT150s, and they sound unique vs. other smaller amps I've run KT150s in before, I have yet to hear a robust amp specifically designed for KT170s to get the most out of them.
Doing some research, came across a designer noting this about them:
"The Tung-Sol KT170 has a plate dissipation of 85 watts! ... making it the most powerful tube in the Tung-Sol family. A pair of these tubes in push-pull configuration can deliver power levels of 190 or more watts. When used at the parameters found in existing 6550/KT88/KT90 circuits, the Tung-Sol KT170 is impervious to overload, delivering peak power with extreme reliability and long tube life. However, taking advantage of the higher current handling capacity of these tubes, a very unique and super powerful and stable amp can be designed using the Tung-Sol KT-170." unquote.
Hopefully other future manufacturers will come out with their own competitive versions of KT150s and KT170s to try. Will be on the lookout.