ECD Mikey Hit's a Homer or is he Homer.



IF you buy better quality components,  you won't need these damn tweaks

I'm reminded of the WH spokes person who when questioned about the high gas price effects on  poor people who said  they need to buy an electric car. But even so,I have found that to be just the opposite. I tried several high priced cables back before my system was "mature" enough to be helped by these things and I never heard any difference. And IMO, this is why many poo poo the idea of cables.

I started my tweaking with $2 worth of pumice stone. Like most, I was skeptical. Yet my jaw dropped when I heard that there WAS a difference  & it was better. I didn't expect it to be. But at that point my hearing and my equipment were to the proper level to take advantage of a tweak. And as my system has gotten better, a lot of the tweaks have had even more influence

Now, I am also put off by $500>> footers, etc After the pumice I tried my own roller ball footers. They cost me all of $4-5 apiece.  They are even better. I can change the sound by changing the ball material. my wife also heard the difference.  I have some PPT items as well. I could have sent them back. But "they ain't goin' nowhere!" Fortunately I got them at a good deal..and as has been said, these high prices are paid by those with a good amount of disposable income. But if you live in flyover country, most of this stuff is priced out of our reach. But there are still tweaks which can be done for little $$$. But it takes curiosity and imagination and luck...unless you are coached by @mahgister  who seems to have a better understanding of this stuff han most

Thanks for your kindness...

But i just want to precise that i dont pretend to know anything deep or so special...

I only experimented with the three embeddings working dimensions of any audio system: mechanical, electrical and acoustical/psychoacoustical in a PRIMITIVE and very basic way...i bought no costly tweaks nor any upgrade piece when my system was chosen...I prefer homemade cheap devices...

But even a simple basic knowledge of acoustic very elementary for example will exceed in improving power any costly upgrade for most of us... I dont spoke for people able to afford 500,000 bucks audio system versus 500 bucks like mine... They will laugh at me...

But i laugh the last with my 500 bucks system....😁😊it is not so far away from a minimal quality threshold than most people think and in some case rival them...

Acoustic law are not for exemple based on expansive devices so much than on some simple experiments..

Tuning a room may cost nothing... It is not perfect but only the ratio S.Q. /price means something for most of us...And optimizing process cost time for sure and a dedicated room is for me the only necessary luxury in audio...

But learning how to listen is more fun than buying gear...we learn to " listen" with our brain  to the system/room /ears not to the pieces of gear brand name....

But it takes curiosity and imagination and luck...unless you are coached by @mahgister who seems to have a better understanding of this stuff han most