Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8?

I have recently purchased a Pass Labs INT-25. It replaced a Wilsenton R8 with NOS tubes (EL-34). I feel that the sound im getting from the Pass is not 5000.00 better. Has anyone purchased a INT-25 and not been blown away from the sound? I do think  that the 25 has a wider soundstage.


Not directly related to OPs question, but does anyone definitively know if the amp section of the INT-25 is identical to the amp within the XA25?

I have a Willsenton R8 in my second system right now, and it's terrific. It's not better than the Atma-Sphere gear in my main rig, but it's perfect for the living room.

Everyone is correct that you need to give the Pass some break-in before you can make a rational judgment. I'm not familiar with the INT-25 but I've owned a couple of Pass clone amps and it should sound great. That doesn't mean you'll necessarily like it better than the R8, regardless of the price difference.

After a reasonable break-in period for the Pass, trust your ears.


i’ll be happy to buy that pass labs p-o-s from you at half price, any time you want to part with it, so long as it is in as new condition 😁

just ping me

The R8 is a fantastic amp for the money.  If you haven't tried different 6SL7 and 6SN7 tubes you might find those improve the sound even more.  NOS Sylvania tubes are a good place to start.  Personally, I was fond of the Gold Lion KT77's but after the sanctions on Russia their price has become absurd.  Also, if you are handy and decide to keep the R8 then upgrading the 0.22uF and 0.33uF capacitors will yield even further improvements.

I haven't owned any Pass Labs but I have built 5 FirstWatt amps which are Nelson Pass designs and kind of a side project of his.  One of the things I have discovered listening to those as well as 7 other amps in the past 2 years is that different amps sound different and personal preference is a significant factor in determining what sounds better.  It is easy to imagine you just prefer the sound of the R8 over the sound of the INT-25