Led Zeppelin 11

Better Records has a just in Led Zeppelin 11 for a poultry $2499, but it's a white hot stamper!


Cut down on fried! Too much cholesterol.

Led Zeppelin 11 is expensive because they quit after 8.

Hahaha it was supposed to say Paultry....freaking spell correction on cell phone. Oh well, I'm sure someone will grab it, I crazily gave it some thought....

Dunno why Jimmy hasn’t released it on CD. I’d speculate that this must have been addressed by him at some point - the elephant in the room, kinda thing.

I don’t pretend to know much about master tapes - but there must be two - the RL one and also the one that was released generally.

Given that the RL creation was "hot" it may present certain technical challenges, dunno. As if that should be any issue these days.