most beautiful (looking) speakers

yes no


I like the wider baffle look like Voxativ 9.87 and especially the LaHave floor stander with a whizzer that I seen at a couple shows.  Pictures do not do that speaker justice. Some of the Cabasse speakers give me the newbie-jeebies. Giant 

I said I liked the sound of Snell A/IIIs, not the looks! 

I mean, honestly they were fine, certainly needed that grill, but not particularly gorgeous to look at.  They were more like plain looking boxes that sounded amazing.  If the sound wasn't spectacular from them it would be hard to justify the floor space.

Also from a bygone age when putting speakers up against the wall was experimented with and, to me, too soon forgotten.

I agree, Venture makes beautiful speakers. I have no idea about how they sound, but I'm also intrigued by their cone tweeters which is pretty unusual these days.

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