Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?

Why should we be subjected to audiophile deniers, on a site dedicated to audio?
It’s antithetical to the hobby and adds nothing to the pursuit. I want to quote something from another thread.

@djones51 wrote "exposing bull products like "audiophile switches, cables, fuses " and other highly questionable devices that serve no purpose"

What then, is the purpose of people with this agenda being on this site? To “expose bull products.” It’s fine for someone to post they tried a product and it didn’t work for them, but to dismiss entire product categories is not a discussion that belongs on an enthusiast forum.

Would a car enthusiast site stand for this type of post?

Try going on a Porsche forum, just for example, and posting that your Mustang is just as fast 0-60 and that others poster’s claims about their driving experience is “dubious.” See how long that will be tolerated

There are plenty of sites to poke fun at audiophile’s obsession with cables, power conditioners etc. Why does it belong here, especially when we can’t mute specific posters?

What’s next? Arguing that speakers that measure the same must sound the same and that we are all suckers for buying expensive speakers? I thought we got rid of trolling?

Isn’t it obvious with all the ASR related posts here lately we are being trolled?

A couple of months back I read a post here about someone that ordered a new cat8 cable from China. I tried it and posted back my fantastic results for others to benefit.

Personally that’s the kind of forum I’m interested in, not to come here to be challenged about what I hear and that since it can’t be measured so it must be “dubious.”








These days, both sides of the aisle are advocating censorship.  It’s one thing to get it from one side, but now we’re getting from both sides.  This is a disturbing trend, to say the least.

I consider it quite fair that someone, in light of these trends, would be alarmed to see people willingly and eagerly advocating censorship, regardless of the venue and their policies.

It’s one thing for the managers of a venue to implement restrictions on their patrons’ behavior, but it’s another thing to see the venue’s patrons REQUESTING a loss of freedom.  It seems self-defeating, masochistic…I dunno…stupid?  “I couldn’t help but notice there’s not enough censorship here, Mr. Director, may we please have some more?”

I will challenge this kind of thinking regardless of the venue, because I think it is bad and indicative of an accepted mode of thinking in our population that is more than complicit in the erosion of our freedoms.

Absolute hogwash. You're intentionally conflating the concept of "free speech" as written in the Constitution with what can be said on a privately owned site. You don't fool anyone (with an IQ above room temperature) with your victim signaling.


And you are conflating a legal definition with a philosophical concept. There is nothing legally wrong with most cancel culture. Does that make it right?


And you are conflating a legal definition with a philosophical concept. There is nothing legally wrong with most cancel culture. Does that make it right?

Exactly so...Thanks...

What is legal (private control) is not necesarily legitimate...

And the foundation of democracy is precisely which make possible to separate what is legitimate from what is legal, it is impossible to do this in a "legal" self legitimizing totalitarian system by definition...

When the censorship is universal, the censorship is INTERNALIZED and become an automatic self censorship, and the citizen become robots...It is the matter in Huxley and Orwell prophetical books,,,

Like said Klaus Schwab with the applauds of Harari "you will own nothing and you will be happy"...

Many american citizen hypnotized by this left/right propaganda are now unable to think...They self destruct destroying the world with them....

They accuse others and there exist no mirror on their planet...


«It is way simple, all white sheep hate black sheep»-Groucho Marx🤓

It's really simple. Everyone on this site can post whatever they want. That doesn't mean the Owners of the site will allow it to remain. I have had posts removed for whatever reasons and while it might initially annoy me, it isn't my site. 

Depending upon the country where you reside, you might also have the right of free speech. In the US you are absolutely allowed to say whatever you want (except "fire" in a theater), you just have to live the consequences or repercussions of what you said. You might have the right to free speech, but that doesn't mean you won't suffer for it. 

This argument has been around since the beginning of time. We kind of got it right when it was decided that government has no role in censorship, which is what "free speech" is all about. Everything else is just whining, crying and bitching about what can be said on a private site.

As for cancel culture, that's just the meme of the month and makes for clicks and eyeballs and is one of the stupidest memes ever. If one is really intent on getting out their message, go to nearest public square, stand on your soapbox and let loose. 

There is nothing legally wrong with stating vile, ugly, insulting and dangerous rhetoric. Does that make it acceptable? The law says no when it crosses the threshold into stochastic terrorism.

All the best,