I wrote/mailed tax checks today...

Now I’m gonna spend the little play money left over in the 3 for $10 bins.

Ain’t got nuthin left over for the Tech Das Air Force One.

It’s a sad day. The IRS is one of the few reasons I keep a checkbook.





A number of taxpayers, after losing deductibility of some state/local taxes, paid more following the recent tax cut. Maybe that’s what the poster was referring to?

Post removed 

Does everyone at least have their system playing as it should? Listen to some uplifting music because today’s market beating was a good one.


"Not so fast. Retirement takes more planning to avoid taxes. Take too much in regular dividends and capital gains and you’ll still be paying them."


Who said anything about being "tax free?" That’s laughable! I plan on paying taxes for 33 years after my FRA. After that, I’m blowing the rest on a rented Ferrari to Vegas and strippers.


A number of taxpayers, after losing deductibility of some state/local taxes, paid more following the recent tax cut. Maybe that’s what the poster was referring to?

Well, that's the state's fault for taxing too much, not Trump's. That's another reason I'd never live in NY or California. But that tax change usually only affects the more affluent because lower incomes or those without debt usually take the standard deduction. And if they don't, the tax rate cut would more than make up for the lose of deductibility for most people. So any way you look at it, unlike what the poster implied, most people paid less under Trump.

Doesn't matter. One way is just pushing us toward financial collapse faster than the other.



Sounds like a good plan.

As for the market, eh, yeah I got monkey-hammered, but it was not unexpected. Rate hike effects are predictable. Just wait until these hikes obliterate all the false wealth people thought they had in their house. Meanwhile, my Dividend Aristocrats are still generating the same income they were the day before.

Wah, wah, wah...poor baby...all of you privileged audiophiles - stop your whining and opining; quit your kevetching and wretching.

Just fork-over your taxes and keep it moving. Someone has to pay for this best-in world-military, amber waves of grain, and Goofy.

"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s."

Just make certain Trump does so as well.