12x7 tubes

I own a black ice audio dac that is connected to my CD player.Need advice on what 12x7 would be the best fit looking at Tungsram 12x7 and a GE 12x7 1950 long plate.My taste of music is classic rock and blues.


Add my vote for Brent Jesse. I have almost no tube knowledge and have made several purchases from him based on his advice. It has always been an improvement to my system and he is a pleasure to work with.

+1 Brent Jesse,patiently helped me upgrade tubes in my Herron phono and LTA MicroZotl….

Try vintage Amprex Bugle Boys. That’s what I use in the little black ice dac I have and the matching headphone amp. Clear, clean, lots of bass. Love them with this brand. 

I have had good luck with military spec sylvania NOS tubes. Actually many companies made NOS military spec tubes for the US and they are just awesome. RCA, GE, Philips, Raytheon. They usually have JAN in the name (Joint Army Navy). Jasonbourne52 is correct on the money. I have had really good sound from JAN tubes