Anyone have experience with MSB Technology products compared to dCS?

Looking for feedback from users who have experience with MSB Technology Discrete or Premier DAC. I currently have have a Lumin T2 and looking to upgrade to either the MSB with an Aurender N20 or the dCS Rossini Apex.

Currently have a Roon Nucleus Nucleus+ and NAS drive by Synology DS918+ connected to Lumin T2. I have found that using the Lumin app directly versus going through Roon produces significantly better soundstage and SQ.

If I go with with MSB I need to also purchase an Aurender N20 (or something similar) or if I go with dCS I connect as I currently have my Lumin T2 setup.

My 2 channel system setup is as follows: connections are transparent Reference power cords and XLR interconnects and speaker wire, preamp is an Audio Research Reference 6SE and Amplifier is an Audio Research Ref 160S with Wilson Audio Alexia speakers and 2 REL S812 subs, one for each channel. Primary music is jazz, classical, rock in that order.

Would appreciate any feedback from current or prior users on the experience or recommendations.

Thanks for your input.


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If you go MSB, I believe you can purchase a renderer module for $2K USD. This would allow Roon integration. I can not comment on the ability to incorporate your NAS into the system. I like the convenience of what DCS offers, assuming you like the "house sound". Both brands differ greatly in presentation.

I have no experience with either DAC manufacturer, but I recommend you keep your Nucleus + and use the MSB or DCS DAC as a Roon endpoint.  The Roon interface is light years ahead of Aurender... it's not even close.

@pdreher i have no intention of getting rid of the Roon Nucleus+. Thanks for the feedback. 

A few years ago I happened to compare MSB Select II to a DCS flagship (Scarlatti?) -- i.e. not the models you are looking into. For what it's worth, I went with the Select and it was, subjectively, an easy choice. Not bashing the excellent DCS, I just liked the other one better.