Aurender N20

Hello All,

I'm in the market for a streamer only and would like some input on your experience with the N20. I am also contemplating the N200 and question whether the N20 at double the cost is justified?




Thanks for the detailed info! I have spoken to 3 well-respected dealers, and all were unanimous as to the N20 being clearly superior to the N200 with all outputs (by a considerable margin). I will primarily use the USB output since my DAC is optimized for this (Aries Cerat Helene). The N20 will allow me to experiment with SPDIF and AES, but at what cost? I am very perplexed since the USB circuit is quite similar (I think!) It doesn't appear that I am getting a dealer "hard sell." When I posed the question to all three dealers, there was no hesitation at all as to the N20's prowess. It's giving me heartburn!

If you are going to be using SPDIF or AES output I would get the N20. I am not impressed with the SPIDF output on my N200.

I would say, regardless of the output used the N20 will best the N200. They actually  listen to their products before putting them on the market. You can be sure if you move up the product lines they sound better… and not by a small margin.

What digital outputs do you need?  I decided on the Aurender N20 Music streamer since it supports BOTH USB and AES/EBU digital outputs to my DAC.  

For 2-weeks, I switched back and forth between the USB and AES/EBU digital outputs to my DAC.  In most cases, I prefer the AEB/EBU connection (a very high priority for me).    


I moved from the N10 to the N20 and couldn’t be happier.  IMO a big upgrade-better dynamics and quieter background.  I also switched back and forth between the usb, BNC, and AES multiple times.  At the end of the day the BNC  and AES were almost identical and both superior to the USB in my system(feeding a Chord DAVE).  Love the conductor app too.   

Overall I think you would be very happy with the N20.  Good luck!