Anyone catch 7 Myths of Digital at AXPONA?

Did anyone see Arjuna Das at AXPONA yesterday?  His talk 7 Myths of Digital Audio Dispelled?

He gave such insights as "ALAC sounds better on Mac, FLAC sounds better on Windows" and "streaming sounds the worst." (Paraphrasing on the latter).

He seemed to have a handle on DAC engineering, so some of these superstitions seemed odd coming from him. Seemed like a nice enough guy so I didn't want to debate during his talk. 

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He said it would be on YouTube since no PA hard to hear.

I haven't looked for it yet, Mojo Audio.


Well, there was some knowledge there but it was laden with BS, including that old trope about uncompressed wav sounding better than FLAC or ALAC.  I asked if that was true with Roon's architecture of decoding on one machine then streaming to another, and that's when he dropped that "streaming sounds the worst."

I got the sense that he may know DACs but didn't understand the rest of the digital environment.  I was just a bit surprised by the either the lack of knowledge or the willingness to spout untruths.  I guess that is high end audio...about as much truth as a Kremlin press conference.  

Not knowingly anyway.  I'm not a regular of these shows and mostly I was interested in hearing the various listening rooms just so that I could get a sense of where my own system is in the pecking order.  We didn't go to the upper floors and I don't recall being in a Krell listening room.  

It was cool to see/hear Wilson's first set of speakers.  

I'd post a full review of AXPONA but I'm not qualified.  It looked like attendance was good and people were happy to get out.

I was looking to see if there might be some Tekton products there as I was curious about them, given all the talk on this forum, but I didn't find any. Seems like a missed opportunity for a company that doesn't sell through dealers so impossible to hear them without buying.  

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