Upgrading from Primaluna

Recently went down the front end upgrade path and am running a nice table and phono now. I'm curious as to what the weaker link in my system is between my Primaluna Dialogue Premium Preamp and my Dialogue Premium Hp Power Amp. I'm considering swapping out the amp to a Ps Audio BHK250 for the summer to avoid heat, but am curious if I would be better off dealing with the heat and moving up to say an Allnic L-7000/Arc Ref 3 for the Pre. I'm happy with tubes on the front end, but curious if I'm running out of gas with 88DB efficient speakers and a single chassis tube amp. Which amp would you upgrade first and what benefits would you expect?


I had a HP in a smaller room with power needy speakers and went to a more powerful integrated. For my setup it was just the ticket. More punch and a fuller sound at low volumes too. KT120/150’s would be cheaper than other options despite current tube costs. 

Toe in those bad boys. 

I would advise a consultation with Jeff at HD Acoustics. He specializes in small room acoustics. He designed my new listening room and it would be well worth it to have him take a look at your room. Good luck!



About room acoustics, with a room only 15' deep, you need some corner bass traps and a lot of diffusers in the back third of the room since you likely have very little space behind your listening position. I agree 100% with the posters emphasizing the need to work with your room and equipment placement first. A sure way to waste less money down the road in fruitless equipment upgrades. Take a look at my room setup. Enjoy the journey.

I went down the high power road for a while.  I had my own personal room heater with 4x 6c33c tubes.  Now with my efficient speakers I'm running 6 wpc of decware and much better sound, my amp makes less heat than my TV, and I can listen or use it for my 2 front channels of AV all day long.  Highly recommend Decware.