Aurender N20

Hello All,

I'm in the market for a streamer only and would like some input on your experience with the N20. I am also contemplating the N200 and question whether the N20 at double the cost is justified?



@jeffreyw A lot of people are mentioning the difference between AES/BNC and USB.

If you want to take full advantage of the USB output you need a DAC with an Amanero Board. This will bring the SQ very close to the AES/BNC otherwise the AES/BNC will be clearly superior. You need USB for Native DSD otherwise you'll have to play DOP through AES/BNC.

Make sure in your Aurender settings to enable Professional Level Out, this will give quite a SQ boost to the AES/BNC output.

The N20 with a Master Clock is sublime. Totally different, on another level.

Differences between the sound of USB and AES/BNC/ SP/DIF are fundimentslly different. The USB output is  packetized info going to your DAC is a completely different format and will rely on additional processing (including retiming of the bitstream) before converting to analog. While the others only use the basic functions of the DAC. So, the difference between the two can often be thought of as: if my DAC is better than my streamer then most likely the USB will sound better, but if my streamer is better than my DAC, then more likely the other digital formats will sound better. While you have to try it to make sure they very different processing routes.

Non-USB connectors are the same feed coming out different connectors.


I will primarily use USB. I have an Aries Cerat Helene on order which is optimized for this output. AES is also a possibility. It is a tough decision to make! I think the N20 is the direction I am headed.


@jeffreyw Although the Aries Cerat Helene is a fantastic DAC but it doesn't play Native DSD.

Therefore USB really has no use, unless you are inputting a source without AES/EBU. AES/EBU will be best, especially with the Aurender N20's  Professional Level Output.

The Shunyata Omega digital XLR seems to be the most in demand now but many Aries owners are using Final Touch Cables.

Again, compare the Grimm with the Aurender.

That was an eye opener for me. Not yet a wallet opener though (although close!) - bit too expensive - but judging by the sound - worth it I guess (also it includes a lot of components in the tin: NUC, hi-end clocks, upscaler etc).