Anyone catch 7 Myths of Digital at AXPONA?

Did anyone see Arjuna Das at AXPONA yesterday?  His talk 7 Myths of Digital Audio Dispelled?

He gave such insights as "ALAC sounds better on Mac, FLAC sounds better on Windows" and "streaming sounds the worst." (Paraphrasing on the latter).

He seemed to have a handle on DAC engineering, so some of these superstitions seemed odd coming from him. Seemed like a nice enough guy so I didn't want to debate during his talk. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666

I was seated at this presentation and found it very interesting! I immediately knew much of this would be very controversial though. IMHO you have to remember this is coming from the owner of Mojo Audio and his bottom line is to sell you equipment! I'm sure these 7 myths were developed to line up with his product lines!

I'm sure those myths were designed to sell product.  I actually found it hard to be interested, not because of the content but because he basically stood and read this out loud:


It wasn't really a "presentation" as much as a "reading."  

On the content, you can read from the above as to what would be controversial.  I had to get up and leave after he said that ALAC sounds better on a Mac and FLAC sounds better on Windows.  He didn't seem to understand how Roon works either.  

Just in general, I wasn't into his presentation as an expert when he seemed more of a DAC circuit guy than someone who understood the whole topology.  Spewing a lot of his own dogma. I guess we all do...we don't all use a podium. 

I can't say I know.  This company is from ABQ New Mexico.  All the blogs on their website are by Mr. Das. 

I suspect Benjamin sold to Das. I had previously noticed they were ending direct sales model, moving to dealer model. Also, recently spoke with Benjamin in regard to possible purchase of Deja Vu server, he stated there were no plans for future production. These changes led me to suspect changes were afoot there, this seems to confirm that.