Competitive class D amp suggestions

I have been Class D fun since a few years ago when i bought my first class D amp. I like the concept, in general, and all the attractive features of this class of amplifiers. I tried 4 different ones, currently i  stayed with one of them that i consider to be the best among all four amps. I do enjoy and like it. At the same time,  my 5 watts SET amplifier (with more than 100 times higher distortion according to the specs) gives more natural and (surprisingly) notably cleaner sound (THD of the class D amp is 0.001). The soundstage  of the class D amp is not so bad but that of the tube one is still better.   

I remain attracted by class D amps though. 

Any fresh suggestions on reasonably priced class D amps (i mean excluding  non-reasonably priced class D amps, e.g., Merrill amplifiers)?

Any comments on non-reasonably priced class D amps are also welcome (so far i was not able to audition many class D amps and am curious if there are some which could really compete with Class A). 


I ran a Mullard Tube Rogue Pre and a PS Audio S300 (Ice Power) for several years. I thought is sounded really good.  S300 lightweight, ran cool as a cucumber and powerful.  Definitely sounded better the longer you left it on.  Just recently switched to A/B to give it a try. I still think a hybrid topology is viable high end SQ. Rogue, PS Audio, Wyred4Sound., Peachtree all big bang buck stuff IMO.

I am 85 and have been fiddling with audio since the age of 10. I have owned quite a few good reasonably priced tube amps in my life. Because of the hastle of tube changing, I recently went in a simpler direction and bought a Rogue DragoN.(Hybrid class D).  After 3 months I have been very satisfied with this amp. In short it produces excellent sound referring to all critical aspects. I have not seen more than two reviews, but I, myself, recommend it.

I have the Rogue Sphinx 3 and with the stock tubes it was very thin sounding. I put in a pair of Mullards and it beefed everything up

Rogue Audio Sphinx v3. It gets positive reviews everywhere, well except audio science review...

ASR totally dismissed the product. They saved a lot of time by not bothering to listen to it. It wouldn't matter though they only listen (when they do) using a singular little bookshelf in mono.