Axpona 2022 what impressed you?

I'll start. The Borrensen 01 playing Otis Taylor 'Resurrection blues' was stunning! I also enjoyed the Legacy Aeris on the first floor playing Nils lofgren 'Keith don't go'. In the smaller rooms there was a $4k pair of speakers with what looked like 18" woofers and a horn tweeter that performed well. While the kef ref 3 sounded harsh the ref 5 in a similar small room sounded great just reminding me how much incremental set up affects the demo. I only had a few hours on saturday and missed many rooms due to crowds and would enjoy hearing others impressions from the show.



David Janszen and Edgar Choueirin Room 1406
Impressed by the Cabasse Pearl Keshi’s in the Upscale Room. All they need is an analog input.

Money no object/constraint, I'll take my reference system. I'm just amazed at the prices people are asking for their products considering they MAY be emitting slightly better (different?) sound. I heard nothing at the show that totally outclassed my rig. BTW, loved the $30,000 Cabasse system. Was not impressed by the B&W 801D4 (but I'm sure it wasn't the speaker's fault).

Too many rooms played music LOUD. To be honest nothing really stood out but maybe the Acora loudspeakers. Still the room was HUGE so how would they sound in a normal listening room would be the question.

Money no object the VAC / Von Schweikert room sounded literally perfect- deep rich perfectly balanced bass, midrange transparency with no coloration and an insanely delicate top end.

I loved the vibrancy of the Audio Note room and rate it second overall.

Many other good ones but with noticeable artifacts- the Piega coaxial ribbon midrange / tweeter and Rose Audio GaN class D, the Spatial Audio / LTA, the Volti / Boder Patrol 300B set, the Muraudio hybrid speakers.

Nice showing for the new Luxman integrated and Harbeth 30.2XD- each have upped their game with improved resolution and clarity while still sounding sweet and forgiving.  

Oh yeah- the Chord / Spendor classic room- unvelievable bass !  

Excellent show !