oh the problems of the first world.....
Control C + google + Control V + search.
so hard I know. what a pain.
So since this is so easy I suppose you are volunteering your services to do these extra steps for us poor schlubs who find the lack proper pictures a PITA. Thanks. And make sure you find out from the seller, which model it is so you get the correct picture. This is especially true of Dacs IE Aurender which can have several different connection layouts depending on the model. But you've got this. It's easy. I'm sure that once the word is spread about your kindness, there will be plenty of people willing to use your service. especially since it is so easy for you.
OK Sarcasm set aside, It is the sellers job to post proper pictures. There are plenty of reasons why the seller should post these pictures. What happens if the seller has posted the wrong model and it doesn't have a connection that you are counting on? This ends with a charge back to the seller because of HIS lack of clarity. And rightfully so. Maybe this is why Paypal often favors towards the customer. FWIW, The courts do also. These things used to be common knowledge to the society at large
You talk about how easy it is to research the net for the info. . But WHY not conclude that it would have been even easier for the seller to post the picture of the connections at the same time he / she was taking pictures of the piece for sale. That would be the most efficient way to sell and would help to alleviate problems which may arise. I have been in business for 50 yrs.. I can tell you from experience that the #1 cause of a bad buying & selling experience is due to poor communication. Invariably the buyer has different expectations than the seller is able or willing to provide. It is up to the seller to do their best to eliminate poor communications as much as possible