Vintage Integrated Amplifiers With Great Sound

Unusual situation is going to require me getting an integrated amplifier. Buying something that will satisfy me in a current range of production is simply going to cost a lot more than I want to spend. 

What vintage integrated amps from, say the 70's-80's-90's can be found at relative bargain prices, but provide really good sound quality? 

Any thoughts or recommendations appreciated. Thanks in advance. 



Look for a Luxman L-10 integrated amp. It drove my JBL L-300’s perfectly back in 1978. It had Sanken output power transistors and it did sound nice.



yeah, I confuse it's age because it sounds vintage, like my 1956 Fisher 80az Mono Blocks which is exactly what I was hoping for when I took a chance on it.

It wouldn’t be cheap, even if you could find one, but I thoroughly enjoyed an Accuphase E-303x while I owned it. I did have it re-capped, but given its age, it sounded terrific.

E-303x details

I could budget up to $3500 for something really nice. 

I still don't know what loudspeakers you are driving but let me throw this out there. A Musical Fidelity integrated. They will match well with most loudspeakers and have a classic appearance. I would try to find one that is less than 20 years old to avoid a lot of potential problems. There is a really affordable 3.2 on sale right here.