Do you build anything for your high fidelity system? If so, what do you make?

After some self assessment and introspection on my own high fidelity habits I discovered that I build or make things for my stereo/audio room. Some examples of these things are;

1 Tore out carpeting/padding/floor tiles in the addition to my house (audio room) and painted the cement floor with epoxy paint and clear coat. Placed out a Turkish area rug.

2 Made cherry wood speaker stands on wheels.

3 Had made custom speaker covers and stereo stand covers for when I am not listening to audio to keep away dust. Thanks to my seamstress....

4 Custom made Paduak wood cover (with legs) with two low speed exhaust fans for my tube amp

So curiosity got the best of me. Have you made anything for you stereo system or room? If so what did you make and why?

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Hey guys,

What a great thread! I’m not sure if I’m breaking any rules but I would personally like to share some thing with everyone that I’ve been working on for the past 2 1/2 years.This thread seems like the perfect opportunity.


Some of you know me some of you don’t, i’ve been around now for about three years. I’m fully retired, 55, ended up becoming handicap five years ago and I’ve been looking for a project Since I can’t do my first love, mountain biking. I guess this thread is a great place to announce it.

When I was a kid in the 1980s I loved all things audio. I took about a 30 year hiatus and just listen to whatever systems were in my vehicle. My wife didn’t like the whole speaker system thing in the living room so I just gave in and sold it. After my accident I sold one of my businesses and kept one. I’ve been pretty fortunate and worked hard through the years. I still like to work, just not at the same pace I used to.

So,here’s what happened. While driving myself nuts (after purchasing my 4th speaker system in 1 year) I decided to do what I’ve done many times in the past. Woke up one day with my own idea. I asked myself what was missing from audio that mountain biking had. The answer for me was, since I’m not an electronics wizard, I can’t get my hands involved in the hobby except for turning a couple knobs. So I asked myself how can I get my hands involved in this hobby?well, I think I solved it.

The name of the new business is Blueprint Acoustic llc. The website shares the same name and social media. I’ve looked hard and I don’t think it’s ever been done quite this way before. It’s an affordable, expandable, collapsible, changeable, modular speaker system. We even have built a CONFIGURATOR on the website that lets you build one of over 10,000 variations of speaker systems. You can start small…and add on later, order different modules and switch them out, experiment with different driver modules….. We have been building all different sizes and have been astounded at what we’ve learned and how great they sound. 

We are moving into the marketing phase.everything is ready to go, we are stocked up, everyone is in place, we are open for business. I’m looking forward to building what will probably be my last successful business. I hope you keep an open mind and find the idea as fun as I do. Never second-guess your speaker purchase again!


thank you for the privilege of your time, Ray


I make my own speaker cables, XLR cables, RCA cables, power cables, speakers, subwoofers,  active speakers,  active subs.

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