Just my observation - seems like there is less listed on AG

Seems to me like there is less and less gear listed on audiogon... compared to USAM.  Anyone else notice this?


If it's relatively inexpensive, I'll list on Agon, but otherwise, it's USAM - percentages are too high here; I'll go with free...

“Then too, I haven’t sold anything for quite a while.”


Well in that case you have no idea how quickly these fees adds up. I have sold 62 items in last 18 months on USAM. I am sure you can do the math 😊 Selling audio gear is a loosing proposition, very seldom you break even and in almost all cases you do not recoup your selling fees.

BTW, I am a independent contractor so I have a bit of idea of costs associated with running a business. I am not against the fees and in my 15 plus years of selling on Audiogon, I gladly paid and enjoyed selling here. Sadly, I cannot afford to pay the newly revised exorbitant fees…..I’m a hobbyist, not in a business to make profit on used gear. As @ghasley pointed out, this site is now more geared towards dealers, nothing wrong with that but I wish they would have kept two separate fee tiers for hobbyist and dealers.

I’m a hobbyist, not in a business to make profit on used gear. As @ghasley pointed out, this site is now more geared towards dealers, nothing wrong with that but I wish they would have kept two separate fee tiers for hobbyist and dealers.

I agree. But commercial is where the $$$ is at. And this is what Agon is now going after. I'll agree that it would have been nice to have the 2 tier system. But that will make them less $$$ because they have to do the same work for less pay. The days of customer care and service are long gone. Not just here but everywhere.  Most every business is set up for their own convenience, not the customers. What's with this modern BS of subscriptions that never end where the customer is billed after the subscription has run out? This is just one example of BS taking place in the business world. So, yes, I'm glad for the free service of USAM also. The last few things I have sold were there. But Agon still offers more service. The question is whether that service is beneficial to the hobbyist. Like you, I don't think so. But then too, the hobbyist doesn't have to match Soc Sec, pay workman's comp & Liability, Unemployment, Health Insurance or provide records for audits should the govt or insurance decide to audit. I was in business most of my life and understand both sides of the picture

My biggest issue with audiogon was the complex payment structures over time.  And then the difficulty with communication with buyers.  They would limit email distribution to keep the conversation internal.


I think this is the beginning of the demise unfortunately.


I have not listed the past 3 or 4 on audiogon, I have done USAM.