Potential Pair of Great Bookshelf Speakers for Sale!

What are they? That is the question. I have a pair of Totem Sky's that I really enjoy. But, for aesthetics, I just purchased a pair of Harbeth P3ESR's in Olivewood Ash. They look fabulous! I haven't had much time to break them in yet, but my first impression of them is positive. But I think the Totem's have more realism in the mid and low bass area. I find my ears perking up on certain music and I'm thinking to myself how great that sounds from a small'ish' speaker. And, I'm not driving them with anything spectacular. I use an NAD AVR with 60 watts per channel and that seemed to be more than enough to get that wonderful sound. Anyway, we'll see how the P3's do in the next few weeks. As to the title of this thread, I'll be selling0  one of these pairs soon. Any comments are welcome.

Ag insider logo xs@2xrongvk

Sounds like great speakers. I don't live in the US so shipping would probably be to expensive for me.

One thing I can add is that my old speakers sounds WAY better after I changed the integrated amp from NAD and then Rega Brio to Schiit Ragnarok (much more expensive). So changing the amp may make any of your two speakers sound a lot better. You may want to try a new amp with the old speakers before choosing the new ones. 

Wait until you procure the 2 channel integrated then decide which to keep. Possibly keep both to rotate into system. 

Well, 8 months later and I'm still running the Harbeths. They've grown on me. The key is I have to listen to them at above-average volume to get the sounds that make me take notice. Saw a teaser about new Totem Buffalo speakers but still nothing on the Totem site. So, for now, I'll heed the advice you've all offered and look to implement a dedicated amp/integrated amp with a home theater bypass. On top of that, I'm looking to replace my Bluesound Vault and external Schiit DAC with one of the new HiFi Rose streamers with the Sabre DAC. 

The testing/auditioning continues. If I had an unlimited budget it might be much easier! 

(1) The philosophy is clear. An affordable speaker with high-end amplification and source makes more sense in audio performance, than an expensive speaker with a cheap amp and source.

@akg_ca  , I guess that is the philosophy I basically went with.