Large room with low budget for speakers

Hey everyone I have been having issues finding the right kind of boxed speakers that would work in my room well that won’t be too dry on the bass region my set up has an array of Rel woofers my budget is 30k but all the speakers that would be big enough would be around 60k and up I have looking into brands like Focal, Rockport, and Wilson audio but none of the smaller speakers from these brands are very impressive in my room 


Lol, not me....that's a ton of dough to have on hand just for speakers, life must be good...

It is important to know the size of the room… but then I am curious what the shortcoming of less than huge speakers are. The constraint is typically the acoustics of a too small room. When a room gets too big… we’ll the small room problems go away. 

If you build a 9’ triangle away from the front wall, side walls, and back wall… this is ideal. I guess unless the room is 100’ x 100’ x 12’ or something that begins to be more like out of doors. My Sonus Faber Amati Traditional are about this cost and my room is mid-large… sounds great. From my listening position. Bigger would overload the room. 

So, after typing this, I realize I just have never had this problem… always the opposite.



Have you tried this ? We can put something together for you that will shake the entire house. Try the CONFIGURATOR