I’ll have to look around and see what WireWorld I still have around. I have gone through a purge of the ridiculous pile of expensive cables I was not using.
Long ago I used to take notes… came up with a detailed rating system. Spent hundreds and hundreds of hours evaluating cabling (speaker cables, interconnects, and power cords) in different configurations of components. I learned a lot. I don’t bother any more.
There were a couple things I was surprised at the consistency of across time, one of which has been at the consistent warmth of Cardas. Every time, in every system (this works well in many, many systems) they are warm in comparison to all but notably warm cables. My dealer carries Cardas, and loves them… so he keeps dropping them by for me to try. I recognize everyone has different systems, preferences, and perceptions… so there are lots appropriate observations as there is no real empirical ruler… but this generality of mine has been reinforced repeatedly over decades… so I feel somewhat obligated to say so. Just trying to be helpful to the general community.
I will say that until you get into very highly designed cables the greatest predictor as to the sound character is Copper (a hierarchy of the actual CU quality / character within this category), silver coated copper, hybrid copper/silver wire, all silver… tends to be warm —> cool / detailed. Which it sounds like you are alluding to.