Best 2-way room friendly speakers

I've heard 4th order x-over minimizes room interactions and waveguide speakers give constant power / off axis response. OTOH, first order like Thiels always seem to require a lot of fiddling because the large driver overlaps result in uneven room reactions.

What speakers would have the best room interactions without adding a lot of acoustic treatments to the room?
Danley Synergy. Point source, phase accurate, and controlled directivity all together. And very sensitive. Not very pretty though.
I've heard the Tannoy's and the big ones are great, smaller not so good.
Danley, at 48" with 18 drivers is way to big.
I don't really think that first order speakers really need extra room treatment compared to most other designs. Still the Thiel SCS's somewhat unique concentric driver design eliminates the driver integration issues that are needed for optimal listening of most first order speakers.
A past long time contributor who stopped contributing when he became part of the commercial side of all this; Karl Shuemann of AudioMachina's first offering, though perhaps challenging to find, was a 2-way first order speaker which incorporated some wave guide principles. He seems to have abandoned the wave guide with his latter more ambitious and expensive designs. Though I've never heard any of them, they sure do look promising.
Though I doubt these are what you had in mind, as they meet your criterion and are purposely built to negate room interaction, I'll mention them: the Innersound speakers.

When properly amplified, the SP Tech Minis are solid at low volumes. This said by an apartment dweller who listens late into the night.

Where are you located?