How Electricity Actually Works

In November of last year I posted a Vertasium YT vid titled "The Big Misconception About Electricity".  Well it caused quite a stir and like an arachnid had many legs many of which attempted to draw A'gonrs into the poison fangs!

Well, here is the follow-up to that original vid which caused quite a stir in the "intellectual" community as well.

Vertasium "How Electricity Actually Works".


This does have implications for our audio cabling...



To carlsbad

581 posts


@builder3 I'd say that there are a lot of affluent people here...seems there is a low positive correlation between detailed technical knowledge and fiscal success.


Just as there's an obvious and direct correlation between how impressed you are with yourself and how much of a complete jack**s you are

When I don't understand something and my head starts spinning I just remind myself the earth is the center of the universe and not to wander over the edge.

Some day we will understand electricity, but today is not that day.


A very detailed and interesting lecture. Much different than the theory taught in 1978.