How Electricity Actually Works

In November of last year I posted a Vertasium YT vid titled "The Big Misconception About Electricity".  Well it caused quite a stir and like an arachnid had many legs many of which attempted to draw A'gonrs into the poison fangs!

Well, here is the follow-up to that original vid which caused quite a stir in the "intellectual" community as well.

Vertasium "How Electricity Actually Works".


This does have implications for our audio cabling...




A very detailed and interesting lecture. Much different than the theory taught in 1978.

Would it be possible for the primaries here, in what I find to be a "very interesting" debate! To attempt a simple step or two back to take a breath, reset and recompose??

I am sure you both realize the typically futile "rabbit hole" that some would inexplicably begin to journey "down" at this point. And I for one would really hope that it's digression into a purely |tit for tat|, type. Replete with name calling, all while "each is dreaming of", furiously yet efficiently, pulling tufts of the others hair out, thus ending this discussion with a "God-Mode Deletion", by the ('A 'Gon-Lords on high), would be very sad indeed.


And maybe someone has even noticed just how far "Theory" as some would so simply name it.  Has come "Since 1978"!

I think the simple answer to "Does this have implications for audio cabling" is no.  I didn't see anything in the presentation that would make a whit of difference anymore than it would to television,  refrigeration, lighting, power recliners, coffee machines or any other electric devices in your house. I can't understand why some watch these videos and then go off into the twilight zone of cables. The Therory presented here hasn't changed since 1978 the only thing that's changed is we have the internet and the ability to explain these phenomena outside academia has improved.