Recommendation all-rounded speaker (small room)

Hi audiogon forumers,

I listen to variety of music genres from slow, lazy to fast music, jazz, classical to pop/rock depends on mood.

Thus, I need your humble opinion to recommend all-rounded speaker to fit my small listening room (12' x 10' x 9' , W x D x H).  Currently using Accuphase AB amplifier, source from Roon via Intel NUC/Auralic.

I am eyeing at SCM 11 with great interest.  Anyone other recommendation is very welcome.


Congrats on your purchase! Give those babies some time to break in before making any judgements on their sound. I've never owned ATC stand mounts but I would say at least 150 hours. Just put a CD on repeat all day if you can.

Would like to know about your setup...stands,on shelves.How far out into room are you allowed lol.Kidding...Its a process to achieve great performance from any speaker/soundstage,but atc are very well controlled speaker having no port.I started with room treatments but felt it dead’nd the room too much.I toed them in at just over the shoulder to avoid side wall/1st reflection...i ended up with no treatments and let the ears adjust to what im hearing.Liver performance,better bass and vocals,soundstage as well.I think as speaker gets run in bass will tighten up and improve.This is were people either do the work/readup for setup or sell them and blame the speaker...they will take at least 300 hrs initially imho.Let us know your changes...and yes congrats!

Thanks guys again for your valuable inputs, i should have be more patient to audition the change of sound . My last speaker "break in" was 15 years ago lol.  

Boomy or wooly bass is a common artifact of speakers that are not yet broken in. Give them a hundred or two of use before concluding it is a characteristic of the speakers.

I was told by few friends that ATC speakers have been tested with wide range frequencies during QA/QC test, is that consider break in ?