Why is used audio equipment so undesirable?

I’ve upgraded many things over the past couple years and quite frankly there is limited interest and not much to be gained by getting rid of unused equipment. My dealer doesn’t want it. And it’s all fairly new stuff within a few years. It’s easier just to box it and store it away and give it to someone if a situation ever arises. Selling it is ridiculous as I’m lucky to get 30 or 40% Plus all the hassle negotiating when selling, so I keep it.

It’s risky buying used audio equipment so there is no interest even for very nice units. So I’ve got nearly half dozen pieces taking up a lot of space all sitting in their original boxes and maybe next time I buy some new speakers I’ll prepare a list and get a few thousand dollars after paying nearly 4 to 5 time more when new.

Would I buy a used preamp or speakers for $15-$20,000? that might be very risky. So I guess I understand why used audio is not that desirable. After buying something used, you may wonder if it would have sounded different if I bought it new? And there in lies the quandry


Much easier buying a used car.



I paid 100 bucks my Sansui Au 7700 amplifier, one of the best design of the audio golden era ... Another 150 bucks to put it in good shape...

Think about that, it is impossible to buy for 250 dollars a so good anplifier, with a quality of design that amaze my experienced repair man, who patronized me about the quality of this machine, which is so flexible for many possible use nothing at any price mimic his many functionalities... The bad news is this amplifier is so good that his used price are now around1,000 bucks...

His sound is so good, i will pay a great amount of money to really upgrading it without any of his multiple functionalities... To say the truth i will be afraid to pick something in the 2000 bucks range  to replace it , but i studied the question just in case and i will settle for a 7 thousand bucks Berning Zotl which i am sure will rival and beat it... ( 250 bucks versus 7000 bucks 😁)

Buying vintage?

Is there a wiser way to buy ?

i dont know any other way...

i own it now for 8 years.... If he stop tomorrow i will cry, but wait a minute, i loved it so much i bought another one of the Alpha series, supposedly better....Different, not better... But very good...

How can one of the better amplifier of 1978 can be bad today?

He is no more one of the best in the world, he is just very good now...

But being very good is enough if you know acoustic...

If you dont know acoustic even the better amplifier in the world will not beat it anyway...

Being an Audiophile is not only about buying gear, it is about learning to embed it rightfully mechanically, electrically and acoustically...

For the anecdote i read and study 6 months non stop each evening to know what to buy before jumping, we design our own luck and we deserve it... 😁😊






Troll posts on used gear site that stays in business through used gear sales that no one wants to buy used gear. People reply. What a world we live in. 

I used to buy good used equipment that was sometimes a few hundred $$$ off the retail price to 1/2 the retail price. Most of these pieces have been sold for sometimes more than what I paid for them to a few hundred $$$ less. Anything new (audio piece, car) will depreciate the minute you bring it home.

As for vintage equipment, been there decades ago but will never go back except for a couple of model separates. I used to own top of the line equipment 45 years ago, have repurchased some of these pieces for secondary/third systems and they just don’t cut it compared to todays technology, except for a couple of pieces which go for many thousands today, then you have to worry about failure rates/parts which are very rare. IMO of course

Just sell it on commission at TMR Audio.They'll even pay shipping to them. Unless it's low end stuff from a big box store. In that case donate it or give it away.